Table 2–9 Address-Spec Symbolic Addresses
Symbolic Address
General purpose register number n, where n is a decimal
number 0 to 15.
Frame pointer.
Argument pointer.
Stack pointer.
Program counter.
Program status longword.
A location following the last location accessed by an EXAMINE
or DEPOSIT. The location is the last address plus the size of
the last reference (1 for byte, 2 for word, 4 for longword).
A location preceding the last location accessed by an
EXAMINE or DEPOSIT. The location is the last address
minus the size of the last reference (1 for byte, 2 for word, 4 for
The last location referenced by an EXAMINE or DEPOSIT.
Indirect addressing. The address-spec is used as a pointer to
the data. The format is @address-spec, where address-spec can
be any valid address except another @. See Example 2–1.
Remember that the symbolic addresses from the previous command are
used for indirect addressing. See Example 2–1.
Example 2–1 Indirect Addressing
>>> DEPOSIT R0 200
! The value 200 is stored directly in R0. The defaults
! are set to longword, general purpose register.
>>> DEPOSIT/P @R0 200 ! The value 200 is stored directly in the address pointed
! to by R0. The /P qualifier tells the parser that the
! value in R0 should be treated as a physical address.
! The defaults are set to longword, physical.
>>> DEPOSIT/V @R0 200 ! The value 200 is stored directly in the address pointed
! to by R0. The /V qualifier tells the parser that the
! value in R0 should be treated as a virtual address.
! The defaults are set to longword, virtual.
>>> DEPOSIT @200
! The value 200 is stored in the address specified in
! the previous command. The defaults are set to longword,
! virtual.
2–12 Cabinet and Component Descriptions