FTSS$_ELNMASFATAL, VAXELN master job fatal error detected on [module_
id] in slot [slot_id], zone [zone_id]
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: The VAXELN master job running on an I/O Expansion module
has detected a fatal error and has terminated. This error results in the
removal of the indicated I/O Expansion module and associated Interface
modules from the system configuration.
User Action: The system error log should be examined for entries which
correspond to the VAXELN master job fatal error. These entries will indicate
an FRU.
FTSS$_ELNMASRECOV, VAXELN master job recoverable error detected on
[module_id] in slot [slot_id], zone [zone_id]
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: The VAXELN master job running on an I/O Expansion module
has detected a recoverable error. These errors are compare to their threshold
by the operating system. If the threshold is exceeded in a non-Simplex
system, the indicated I/O Expansion module and associated Interface modules
are removed from service.
User Action: If the threshold is not exceeded, no action is required on the
part of the user. If the threshold is exceeded, the system error log should be
examined for entries which correspond to the VAXELN master job recoverable
errors. These entries will indicate an FRU.
FTSS$_JXDDBE, Double-bit memory fault detected on [module_id] in slot [slot_
id], zone [zone_id]
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: A double-bit memory error has occurred. This indicates a solid
memory failure. In a Duplex system, a CPU module will be removed from
service when this error occurs.
User Action: The system error log should be examined for entries which
correspond to the double bit error. These logs will indicate the SIMM memory
row which must be replaced.
FTSS$_JXDSBE, Single-bit memory fault detected on [module_id] in slot [slot_
id], zone [zone_id]
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: A recoverable single-bit memory error has been detected and
handled by the operating system. These transient errors are repaired in
memory, and the errors are compared to their error rate threshold. In a
Duplex system, a CPU module will be removed from service if the threshold
is exceeded.
User Action: In most cases, no action by the user is necessary. If the rate of
single-bit errors becomes excessive, replacement of a SIMM memory row will
be required. The system error log should be examined for the entries which
correspond to the single-bit errors.
Error Handling and Analysis 4–45