I. Measuring Diodes & C ontinuity
Warning: To avoid d amage to the Meter or to the equipment und er test, disconnect circui t po wer and
discharge all high-voltage cap aci tors b efor e measuring diodes and continuity.
Never attemp t to input o ver 60V in DC or 30V rms in AC to avoid per sonal dangerous.
Testing Diodes
Use the diode test t o c heck diodes, transistors, and other s em iconductor devices. The diode test s ends a current
through t he semiconductor junction, and then measures t he v oltage drop ac ross the junction. A good silic on junct ion
drops bet ween 0.5V and 0.8V.
To test out a diode out of a circuit, connect the Meter as f ollows:
7. Insert the red test lead into t he
terminal and the black test lead into the
8. Set the rot ary switch to
9. For f orward v oltage drop readings on any semic onductor component, place the red test lead on t he component’s
anode and place the black test lead on the component’s c athode.
The LCD display s the nearest value of diode f orward v oltage drop.
In a circuit, a good diode s hould still produce a f orward v oltage drop reading of 0.5V to 0.8V: howev er, the
rev erse v oltage drop reading can vary depending on the resistance of other pathways bet ween the probe tips.
Connect the test leads to t he proper t erminals as said above to avoid error dis play . The LCD displays “
indicating open-circ uit f or wrong connection. The unit of diode is Volt (V), display ing t he positiv e-connection
v oltage-drop value.
When diode testing has been completed, disconnect t he c onnection bet ween t he t esting leads and t he c irc uit
under test.
Testing f or Continuity
To test f or continuity , connect the Meter as below:
9. Insert the red test lead into
terminal and the black test lead int o the
t erminal.
10. Set the rot ary switch to
11. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured.
12. The buzzer sounds c ontinuously if the resistance of a circuit under test is
, it indicated the circuit is in good
The buzzer does not s ound if the res istanc e of a circuit under test is > 70
, it indicates broken circ uit.
The buzzer may or may not sound if the resistance of a circuit under test is between 10
to 70
. The LCD
displays the resistance v alue of a circuit under test.
The LCD display s “1” indicating the circuit being tested is open.
When c ontinuity testing has been completed, disconnect the connection bet ween the testing leads and t he c irc uit
under test.