B. AC Voltage Measurement
Warning – To avoid har ms to you or d amages to the Meter fro m electric shock, please do not attempt
to measure voltages higher th an 1000V or 750V rms althou gh readings may be obtained.
Take extra attention wh en measuring high vol tages to avoid electric shock.
To measure AC Volt age, connect the Meter as f ollows:
7. Insert the red test lead into t he
terminal and the black test lead into the
8. Set the rot ary switch to an appropriate measurem ent position in
. range.
9. Connect the test lead across with the object being measured.
The m eas ured v alue s hows on the dis play , which is ef f ectiv e v alue of sine wav e (m ean value response).
If the v alue of v oltage t o be measured is unknown, use the maximum m eas urem ent pos ition (750V) and reduce
the range step by step until a satisfactory reading is obtained.
The LCD display s “1” indicating the existing s elect ed range is ov erloaded, it is required to select a higher range in
order to obt ain a correct reading.
In each range, t he Meter has an input im pedance of approx. 10M
. This loading eff ect can c ause measurement
errors in high im pedanc e circ uits. If the circuit impedance is less t han or equal to 10k
, the error is negligible
(0.1% or less ).
When AC v oltage measurem ent has been completed, disconnect the connection bet ween the testing leads and
the circ uit under test.