Transmission, addressing, and routing
ZDO transmissions
XBee/XBee-PRO® S2C ZigBee® RF Module
We set the serial interface rate to 115200 b/s for data throughput measurements, and
measured the time to send 100,000 bytes from source to destination. During the test, no route
discoveries or failures occurred.
ZDO transmissions
ZigBee defines a ZigBee Device Objects layer (ZDO) that provides device and service discovery and
network management capabilities.
Cluster name
Network Address Request 0x0000
Request a 16-bit address of the radio with a matching 64-bit
address (required parameter).
Active Endpoints Request
Request a list of endpoints from a remote device.
LQI Request
Request data from a neighbor table of a remote device.
Routing Table Request
Request to retrieve routing table entries from a remote
Networ Address Response 0x8000
Response that includes the 16-bit address of a device.
LQI Response
Response that includes neighbor table data from a remote
Routing Table Response
Response that includes routing table entry data from a
remote device.
Refer to the ZigBee specification for a detailed description of all ZigBee Device Profile services.
Sending a ZDO command
You must use an explicit transmit API frame to send a ZDO command, and it must be formatted
correctly. Set the source and destination endpoints and profile ID to 0. Set the cluster ID to match the
cluster ID of the appropriate service. For example, to send an active endpoints request, set the cluster
ID to 0x0005.
The first byte of payload in the API frame is an application sequence number (transaction sequence
number) that can be set to any single byte value. The first byte of the ZDO response uses this same
value. All remaining payload bytes must be set as required by the ZDO. All multi-byte values must be
sent in little endian byte order.
Receiving ZDO command and responses
In XBee ZB firmware, you can easily send ZDO commands using the API. To receive incoming ZDO
commands, enable receiver application addressingwith the
command. See the examples later in
this section. Not all incoming ZDO commands are passed up to the application.
When a ZDO message is received on endpoint 0 and profile ID 0, the cluster ID indicates the type of
ZDO message received. The first byte of payload is generally a sequence number that corresponds to