Network commissioning and diagnostics
Group Table API
XBee/XBee-PRO® S2C ZigBee® RF Module
The first byte is a status byte (SUCCESS=0x00)
. The next two bytes hold the groupID (0x1234) in
little-endian form. The next byte is the name string length (0x04). The remaining bytes are the ASCII
name string characters (“ABCD”).
The following is the decoded second message, which is a Tx Status for the original command request.
If the FrameId value in the original command request had been zero, or if no space was available in
the transmit UART buffer, then no Tx Status message would occur.
ZigBee Tx Status
API 0x8B FrameID 0x01 16DestAddr 0xFFF
Transmit Retries 0x00 Delivery Status 0x00 Discovery Status 0x00 Success
Get Group Membership
Get Group Membership (1 of 2)
The purpose of this first form of the Get Group Membership command is to get all the groupIDs
associated with a particular endpoint.
The intent of the example is to get all the groupIDs associated with endpoint E7.
The example packet is given in three parts, the preamble, ZCL Header, and ZCL payload:
Preamble = “11 01 “+LocalDevic”FFFE E6 E7 0006 C105 00 00"
The packet is addressed to the local node, using a source endpoint of 0xE6, clusterID of 0x0006, and
profileID of 0xC105. The destination endpoint E7 holds the endpoint parameter for the “Get Group
Membership” command.
ZCL_header = “01 ee 02"
The first field (byte) is a frame control field which specifies a Cluster Specific command (0x02) using a
Client->Server direction(0x00). The second field is a transaction sequence number which is used to
associate the response with the command request. The third field is the command identifier for “Get
Group Membership” (0x02)
ZCL_payload = “00”
The first byte is the group count. If it is zero, then all groupIDs with an endpoint value which matches
the given endpoint parameter will be returned in the response.
The example packet in raw hex byte form:
The response in raw hex byte form, consisting of two packets:
The response in decoded form:
, document 075123r02: View Group Response, section and Status Enumerations,
section 2.5.3.
, document 075123r02: Get Group Membership Command, section