Network commissioning and diagnostics
Group Table API
XBee/XBee-PRO® S2C ZigBee® RF Module
View group
The purpose of the View Group command is to get the name string which is associated with a
particular endpoint and groupID.
The following example gets the name string associated with the endpoint E7 and groupID 1234.
The packet:
Preamble = “11 01 “+LocalDevic”FFFE E6 E7 0006 C105 00 00"
The packet is addressed to the local node, using a source endpoint of 0xE6, clusterID of 0x0006, and
profileID of 0xC105. The destination endpoint E7 is the endpoint parameter for the “View Group”
ZCL_header = “01 ee 01"
The first field is a frame control field which specifies a Cluster Specific command (0x01) using a Client-
>Server direction(0x00). The second field is a transaction sequence number which is used to associate
the response with the command request. The third field is the command identifier “View Group”
ZCL_payload = “3412”
The two byte value is the groupID in little-endian representation.
The packet in raw hex byte form:
The response in raw hex byte form, consisting of two packets:
The command response in decoded form:
ZigBee Explicit Rx Indicator
API 0x91 64DestAddr 0x0013A2004047B55C 16DestAddr 0xFFFE SrcEP 0xE7 DestEP 0xE6
ClusterID 0x8006 ProfileID 0xC105 Options 0x00
RF_Data 0x09EE010034120441424344
The response in terms of Preamble, ZCL Header, and ZCL payload:
Preamble = “910013a2004047b55cfffee7e68006c10500”
The packet has its endpoint values reversed from the request, and the clusterID is 0x8006 indicating a
Group cluster response.
ZCL_header = “09 ee 01"
The first field is a frame control field which specifies a Cluster Specific command (0x01) using a Server-
>Client direction (0x08). The second field is a transaction sequence number which associates the
response with the command request. The third field is the command identifier “View Group” (0x01)
ZCL_payload = “00 3412 0441424344"
, document 075123r02: View Group Command, section
, document 075123r02: View Group Response, section