Hercules III User Manual Rev A.2
Analog Inputs (data acquisition units only)
Number of inputs: 16 differential or 32 single-ended (user selectable)
A/D resolution: 16 bits (1/65,536 of full scale)
Input ranges,
Bipolar: ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V
Unipolar: 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-2.5V
Input bias current: 50nA max
Maximum input voltage: ±10V for linear operation
Over-voltage protection: ±35V on any analog input without damage
Nonlinearity: ±2LSB, no missing codes
Drift: 10PPM/oC typical
Conversion rate: 100,000 samples per second max
Conversion trigger: software trigger, internal pacer clock, or external TTL signal
FIFO: 2048 samples, programmable interrupt threshold
Analog Outputs (data acquisition units only)
No. of outputs: 4
D/A resolution: 12 bits (1/4096 of full scale)
Output ranges,
Unipolar: 0-10V or user-programmable
Bipolar: ±10V or user-programmable
Output current: ±5mA max per channel
Settling time: 4µS max to ±1/2 LSB
Relative accuracy: ±1 LSB
Nonlinearity: ±1 LSB, monotonic
Digital I/O
No. of lines: 40
Compatibility: 3.3V and 5V logic compatible
Input voltage: Logic 0: -0.5V min, 0.8V max; Logic 1: 2.0V min, 5.5V max
Input current: ±1µA max
Output voltage: Logic 0: 0.0V min, 0.4V max; Logic 1: 2.4V min, 3.3V max
Output current: Logic 0: 12mA max; Logic 1: -8mA max
I/O capacitance: 10pF max
Counter/Timers (data acquisition units only)
A/D pacer clock: 24-bit down counter
Clock source: 10MHz, 1MHz or external signal
General purpose: 16-bit down counter
Clock source: 10MHz, 100KHz or external signal