© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Page 48
A functional description of all display fields of the
<Run Display>
are included in the
following table.
Table 5. <Run Display> Labels
Ready Indicator
Red/Green circular
A green light will display in this field when the FPG is Ready. This means that no status or
limit related errors are present (see Section 6.3.7) and that the rate of change of FPG
pressure is within the stability criterion when the VLPC is not actively controlling the FPG
pressure. If the VLPC is controlling, the stability criterion is ignored, the hold limit is used
as the final criterion for ready (see Section 3.6). If any of these criterion are not met, the
indicator will be red which means the FPG is not ready.
FPG Pressure
The calculated instantaneous pressure of the FPG in the last selected pressure unit. If “---
-“ appears in this display, the FPG pressure is not valid or not currently available. After
the pressure and unit are a sequence of text tags to indicate the current operational state
these tags are listed below:
– The FPG is in absolute measurement mode.
– The FPG is in absolute differential measurement mode.
– The FPG is in gauge measurement mode.
– A thermal transpiration correction is being applied to the FPG pressure.
– A head correction is being applied to the FPG pressure.
The instantaneous FPG pressure rate of change per second in the last selected pressure
Target Pressure
The current VLPC target pressure. If the VLPC is disabled or is not controlling pressure,
“N/A” displays.
The serial number of all active DUTs.
DUT Pressure
The calculated pressure based on the DUT pressure to output range setup (see Section
6.8) for all active DUTs. If no DUTs are enabled, dashes appear in this field. Double-click
the DUT pressure to see a
<Spy Window>
that contains all of the commands and
responses issued to the DUT. This can be useful when troubleshooting.
DUT Output
The direct output each active DUT formatted using the
<Output resolution>
specified in
the DUT Setup (see Section
%FS Error
The difference between the DUT and reference divided by the full scale value of the DUT
times 100.
%Reading Error
The difference between the DUT and reference divided by the reference times 100.