© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Page 86
Table 29.
Test Sequence Editor,
Point Type
Indicates how pressure point values in the
table will be interpreted when the test
is run. The choices are all available pressure units and
. If the indication is
, when the test is run, the pressure points will be calculated from the DUT input
span (see Section Specifying points in
is useful in setting up a
common test procedure that runs the same point distribution for DUTs with different
ranges. If a DUT is not specified, FPG Tools generates an error when the Test Sequence
is selected. To change the point type, use the Test Sequence
(action button)
Clicking [Insert] causes a pop-up window display with the following insertable options:
The cursor changes when an [Insert] option is selected. Click the text box of the point
that you would like to effect. Clicking any other area aborts the [Insert] function.
Tare Point
changes the cursor into a tare icon that can be dropped onto the desired
point for a tare of the FPG to occur at that point. A tare icon will appear before the test
point. Click the tare icon to remove it. If the Test Sequence <Sequence> tab (see
Section 6.7.4) specifies a fixed taring sequence, this selection is disabled.
Insert Point
changes the cursor into a pencil icon that can be dropped on any point to
insert a blank point at that location. The selected point (and all subsequent points) then
shift down, leaving a blank point available for entry. Double click any test point to
remove it from the list.
Range Change
changes the cursor into a range selection icon that can be dropped on
any test point. A range change occurs before the point, so the icon will appear above
the selected test point and before the tare icon if present. FPG Tools will only change
the VLPC pressure range if a pressure point between the selected point and the next
range change (or end of test) requires a pressure that exceeds the current VLPC range
or if a VLPC range is better suited for the pressure points.
When ranges are changed using this option, the default VLPC hold limits are used after
each range change instead of the hold limit specified on the <Control> tab.
Tare Check
changes the cursor into a tare check icon that can be dropped onto any test
point. Tare checks set the FPG to the zero condition (see Section 5.2.1), waits for
stability then averages for the specified averaging time up to 15s. The averaged output
is logged to the data file like any other test point. The dwell time is ignored. Tare checks
are useful when trying to quantify zero drift during a test.
Test Point Table
(numeric entry fields)
The test point table lists the test pressure points that will be run in sequential order when
the Test Sequence is executed. The values entered are assumed to be in the unit
specified by the
<Point Type Indication>
at the top of the table. If the test points exceed
the 22 points that are normally displayed, the scroll bar at the bottom of the table can be
used to scroll to additional columns of test points. Up to 100 test points can be included.
The test point table can be filled in by placing the cursor in the test point field and editing
the desired test point value. It can also be filled in automatically using the
The test point table can be cleared using
on the