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4. Desktop and Start menu
4.1. Desktop
The windows desktop is displayed after the initial setup.
The following is an explanation of all the icons on the desktop.
The icons on the desktop are application icons, and start up a program by double tapping each icon.
Recycle Bin:
Stores deleted files temporarily,
recovers the deleted files, and
deletes the files stored in the
Recycle Bin completely.
My Device:
Displays the root folder with
Explorer to view file information
and programs inside the BHT.
Opens the BHT system menu.
(6. System Menu)
Internet Explorer:
Standard web browser.
Accesses to web pages.
(4.2.2. Internet Explorer)
Microsoft WordPad:
Basic word processor in windows.
Remote Desktop Connection:
Controls a Windows computer
running terminal services remotely.
(4.2.3. Remote Desktop Connection)
My Documents:
Displays the MyDocument folder
with Explorer to views file
information and programs inside
the BHT.