- 125 -
and iQR code can be divided up to 16 codes from a single code. The multiple codes
divided are called spli
er sounds differently when the split codes are read.
per sounds t
into the split
ding mode. F
ounds once every
split code is r
ata is displ
t codes are read.
e split code r
or a next split code is not
plit code just
- the split code reading mode is cancelled, and
- the split codes alrea
The split codes can be read in r
The same split code will not be read twice.
- Point -
QR code
t codes. The split codes are reconstructed as a single code when all spl
codes are re
The beep
The bee
code rea
time the
The read d
During th
- a non-s
wice when the first split code is read, then the BHT goes
or the second and subsequent readings, the beeper s
ayed all at once as a complete code when all spli
eading, if a non-split QR or iQR code is read, the trigger key is rel
read within 5 seconds;
ead is displayed on the screen, then
dy read a e discarded.