Street Atlas USA 2011
images, such as PDF or TIFF files, of Street Atlas USA map printouts depicting the location
of your business or institution or the locations of your business or institution-related
meetings or events and in flyers or brochures that contain no paid advertising.
Paper Report Distribution Rights. You may reproduce for distribution to colleagues or
clients up to one thousand (1,000) paper copies of any Street Atlas USA map printouts for
use in paper reports such as appraisals or environmental studies, provided that no such
report includes more than fifty (50) different Street Atlas USA maps and that the
distribution does not constitute a general and unrestricted publication for sale or resale or
contain paid advertising.
Periodical Illustrations. You may reproduce paper copies of any Street Atlas USA map
printouts as illustrations to articles in printed paper periodical works, such as magazines,
newspapers and newsletters, provided that the publication is not primarily a collection of
maps, and provided that proper legend, as described below, accompanies the output. Such
articles may also be posted on your Web site. Graphic printers hired by licensee to print
DeLorme map images are required to purchase a license.
Special Presentation Rights. You may use paper copies of Street Atlas USA map displays
and printouts in presentations to live audiences only with prior written permission from
Web Site Map Display Rights. You may display on your personal, business or institutional
static Web site map images derived from the System, provided that you include the Legend
indicated below and that you provide a link to the DeLorme Web site at
from any page featuring a DeLorme map image. If you subcontract a web developer to
display map images said web developer must purchase a license.
Legend. Any System output that is provided to a third party must include the following
credit and copyright notice: “© 2010 DeLorme ( Street Atlas USA Plus”.
You may not remove, alter, or conceal any copyright or trademark notices appearing on any
System output, except that when creating a mural map, you need only retain a single
legend with scale, for use in the field.
Phone Data. End User shall use Phone Data in compliance with any and all federal, state
or local statutes, regulations, or ordinances, including without limitation, any applicable
privacy, do-not-call, telemarketing, or related statutes regulations or ordinances. End User
shall defend and indemnify DeLorme, including attorney fees, against any claims arising out
of the violation by End User of this License Agreement. Export of phone data is limited to
one thousand (1,000) records at any one time. Phone data may not be used in conjunction
with any autodialer, or similar device, or for call center or telemarketing purposes.
Copy Services. You may use a commercial copy service to reproduce paper copies that are
authorized by this Agreement.
NetLink Tab. All data downloaded or purchased through the NetLink Tab is subject to
DeLorme’s specific data use license agreement associated with those products. Commercial
use of NetLink data is prohibited. TopoBird® data use is limited to recreational or personal
use only. See DeLorme’s website for TopoBird® derivative data use license agreement.
You understand and agree that the trademarks, trade names, service marks,
copyrights and other proprietary rights of DeLorme are and shall remain the
sole and exclusive property of DeLorme, and that you will not hold yourself
out as having any ownership rights thereto. You further agree that you will
make no use of such rights except as provided in this Agreement.