Using GPS
Dilution of Precision
The Dilution of Precision area lists your Position Dilution of Precision,
your Horizontal Dilution of Precision, and your Vertical Dilution of
Precision. For definitions of these terms, see
Glossary Terms
Satellite Listing
The Satellite Listing window displays the satellites that are
currently visible in the sky. The columns list the satellite number,
elevation, azimuth, and signal-to-noise ratio.
Satellite Listing information is only available for DeLorme receivers
and NMEA-compatible receivers.
When using a DeLorme GPS receiver, the Almanac window displays
the satellite number and its current status.
N–Indicates the satellite is being used for navigation.
E–Indicates ephemeris data is available for the satellite.
T–Indicates the satellite is currently being tracked by your GPS
D–Indicates differential data is available for that satellite.
Differential data is available on WAAS-enabled devices.
Almanac information is available only for DeLorme receivers.
The Skyview diagram indicates visible satellites, their number (assigned
by the Department of Defense), and their position in the sky relative to
your current position. Each satellite is color coded, based on the quality
of data it is transmitting.
Gray–Indicates the satellite's position in the sky.
Red–Indicates your GPS receiver is tracking the satellite but it is not
receiving data from it.
Yellow–(DeLorme GPS receivers only) Indicates your receiver is
tracking the satellite, ephemeris data is available, but the satellite is not
being used for navigation.
Green–Indicates your GPS receiver is tracking the satellite, ephemeris
data is available, and the satellite is being used for navigation.
Dark Green–WAAS-enabled receivers only. Indicates your receiver is
tracking the satellite, ephemeris data is available, the satellite is being
used for navigation, and the satellite has DGPS and WAAS corrections
Blue–WAAS-enabled receivers only. Indicates a WAAS satellite used for