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In these menus it is possible to set the time of day: this time is used in the history log menu during
the events saving.
To adjust the hour localize the menu
Fig. 5.58 – Set hour page
To change the hour, press the OK key to enter the program mode (blinking arrow in second row on
the right). Press UP or DOWN keys to select right value. Press OK key to confirm or ESC key to
exit routine without saving.
To adjust the minutes press UP or DOWN key
Fig. 5.59 – Set minute page
To change the minutes, press the OK key to enter the program mode (blinking arrow in second row
on the right). Press UP or DOWN keys to select right value. Press OK key to confirm or ESC key to
exit routine without saving.
To adjust the seconds press UP or DOWN key
Fig. 5.60 – Set second page
To change the seconds, press the OK key to enter the program mode (blinking arrow in second row
on the right). Press UP or DOWN keys to select right value. Press OK key to confirm or ESC key to
exit routine without saving.