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In this menu it is possible to set an alarm in case the forward power level drops below a threshold in
a similar mode as previous menu.
In case the forward power never exceeds the Alarm Power Low threshold from the unit switch ON
the warning is generated after 40 seconds otherwise after 4 seconds.
The Alarm Power Low threshold is indicated as percentage of nominal unit power.
Fig. 5.40 – Alarm power Low menu
To change the Alarm Power Low threshold, press the OK key to enter the program mode (blinking
arrow in second row on the right). Press UP or DOWN keys to select desired value. Press OK key
to confirm or ESC key to exit routine without saving.
MIN value: 0%
MAX value: 100%
STEP: ±1%
Table 5.16 – Alarm power Low permitted values
To disable this alarm set the Alarm Power Low to 0%.
The Audio Low warning/alarm is generated if the audio level at an active input channel drops below
a threshold set in the menu Audio Low Level for at least T1 seconds.
In presence of Audio Low warning/alarm in case the audio level exceeds the Audio Low threshold
for at least T2 seconds the warning/alarm status is automatically ended. This warning/alarm is
indicated also by the led NO AUDIO switched on in the frontal panel.
The timeouts T1 and T2 are set in the menus Audio Low T1 and Audio Low T2.
Fig. 5.41 – Audio Low Level menu