6. Routine Maintenance
Probe Cleaning
Over a period of time, a build-up of residue may be noticed on the optical windows at the probe tip.
This is normal and is due to contact with dirty sensors and disposable sensors which rely on
adhesive application.
To ensure the probe receives maximum light from sensors under test, and also to ensure that the
optical power emitted by the probe remains within its calibrated range, the probe should be cleaned
regularly. Normally, simply wiping the optical windows with a soft cloth dampened with water is all
that is required. Detergent solutions are rarely required but acceptable at low concentrations.
DO NOT use isopropyl alcohol to clean the acrylic probe, as it will introduce stress cracks
over time.
The Oxitest probe incorporates urethane, acrylic and mylar components. Therefore, under
no circumstances should reactive solvents (adhesive remover, varsol, turpentine, etc) be
used to clean the probe.
Maintenance/Chapter 6
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