Extended Closed Loop
Parameters used to configure the 3 extended closed loop PI(D) controllers which for example can be used to
control external actuators (e.g. chilled water valve to maintain supply air temperature in a VAV system)
including: engineering unit for the reference and feedback of each controller (e.g. °C, °F etc); defining the
range of the reference/setpoint for each controller; defining where each of the references/setpoints and
feedback signals come from (e.g. which analog input or the BMS HLI); programming of the setpoint and
manual or auto-tuning of each of the PI(D) controllers.
Application Functions
Parameters used to monitor, protect and control pumps, fans and compressors including: no flow detection
and protection of pumps (including auto-setup of this function); dry pump protection; end of curve detection
and protection of pumps; sleep mode (especially useful for cooling tower and booster pump sets); broken
belt detection (typically used for fan applications to detect no air flow instead of using a
p switch installed
across the fan); short cycle protection of compressors and pump flow compensation of setpoint (especially
useful for secondary chilled water pump applications where the
p sensor has been installed close to the
pump and not acoss the furthest most significant load(s) in the system; using this function can compensate
for the sensor installation and help to realise the maximum energy savings).
Time Based Functions
Time based parameters including: those used to initiate daily or weekly actions based on the built in real time
clock (e.g. change of setpoint for night set back mode or start/stop of the pump/fan/compressor start/stop of
an external equipment); preventative maintenance functions which can be based on running or operating
hour time intervals or on specific dates and times; energy log (especially useful in retrofit applications or
where information of the actual historical load (kW) on the pump/fan/compressor is of interest); trending
(especially useful in retrofit or other applications where there is an interest to log operating power, current,
frequency or speed of the pump/fan/compressor for analysis and a payback counter).
Application Functions 2
Parameters used to set-up Fire Mode and/or to control a bypass contactor/starter if designed into the system.
Pack Controller
Parameters used to configure and monitor the built in compressor pack controller (typically used for pump
booster sets).
Analog I/O Option MCB 109
Parameters used to configure the Analog I/O option (MCB109) including: definition of the analog input types
(e.g. voltage, Pt1000 or Ni1000) and scaling and definition of the analog output functions and scaling.
Compressor Functions
Parameters related to compressor functions:
- Discharge temperature limits/ monitoring
- Day/ Night settings
- PO Optimization
- Injection control
Parameter descriptions and selections are displayed on the graphic (GLCP) or numeric (NLCP) display. (See relevant section
for details.) Access the parameters by pressing the [Quick Menu] or [Main Menu] button on the control panel. The Quick
Menu is used primarily for commissioning the unit at start-up by providing the parameters necessary to start operation. The
Main Menu provides access to all parameters for detailed application programming.
All digital input/output and analog input/output terminals are multifunctional. All terminals have factory default functions
suitable for the majority of ADAP-KOOL applications but if other special functions are required, they must be programmed
as explained in parameter group 5 or 6.
How to Programme the Frequ...
Drive Operating Instructions
MG.11.L4.02 - ADAP-KOOL