Web Operation 64 User Management
User management adopts two-level management mode: user and user group. You can manage
their basic information (only those with user management authority can operate user
User name and group name support maximum 6 characters and can only be consisted of
letter, number, and underline (_).
The password can be set from 8 through 32 non-empty characters and contains at least
two types from capital letter, lower-case letter, number, and special characters (excluding
"'", """, ";", ":" and "&"). The user with authority can modify his/her own password, but also
modify the password of other users.
According to factory defaults, maximum user quantity is 64, while maximum user group
quantity is 20.
There are two-level management modes: user and user group. Group name and user
name shall be unique. One user can only belong to one group.
Current user cannot modify his/her own authority.
During initialization, there is 1 default user
— admin. Admin is defined as high-authority
user when leaving factory. User
You can manage user information. Add, modify and delete user, modify user password.
Setup > System Config > User Management > User Management > User.
interface is displayed. See Figure 4-40.
Figure 4-40
Add User
Add one user to the group, and configure user authority control.
As default user with the highest authority, admin cannot be deleted.
Add User
Step 1
Add User
interface is displayed. See Figure 4-41.