DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
When one of the code from range 571 to 579 will be sign in, we will chose one from nine of
brightness level – from the lowest to the highest.
It is worth to notice that using codes from 561 to 569 and 571 to 579 in RANDOM
mode let you for completely independent work of SPL-3 controller. Inputs IN A and
IN B can be disconnect.
Codes 561 ... 569 and 571 ... 579 work also in DMX mode, in a display program, which is
activated when the signal DMX-512 fail (when the display program was chosen as a reaction
for signal DMX-512 fail – using code 661).
Codes 560 and 570 working only in RANDOM mode, as in the DMX mode there is no
possibility to set in analogue steering signal on IN A and IN B inputs, because of the
possibility of damages the other devices connected to main line DMX.
Codes 600 … 610 are connected with SPL-3 work with BUTTONS mode (code 551).
While one code from 600 to 610 is entered - it set on one from the time-delay which is
responsible for extension the lights short press the COLOR button. The time value which
respond the particular codes are shown in table 1.
Description about SPL-3 in BUTTONS mode is in point 3.1.
Codes 621 and 622 activate function DIMMER which is available in all modes of DMX
work. Function DIMMER let to regulate the brightness in all exits at the same time (CH1,
CH2 and CH3) using only one channel DMX-512.
When the signal DMX-512 increased for code 621, the brightness of LED will also
When the signal DMX-512 increased for code 622, the brightness of LED will decreased.
When function DIMMER is not necessary code 620 need to be sign in to turn this function off
Codes 631, 632 and 633 activate function STROBO which is available in all modes of
DMX work. This function is responsible for blinking effect. The difference between these 3
codes rely on different length of blinking effect, which means different way of blinking LED
diodes in the same level of DMX, and the same level of frequency blinking.
Function STROBO is activate when level of DMX >= 20, which is responsible for the
slowest blinking, around 1 per second. The highest frequency is for DMX = 255 = several
blinks per second.
Code 630 deactivate function STROBO and relieve DMX channel.
Allocation of the sequences DMX channels for function DIMMER and STROBO are in
points 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of this instruction.
Code 651 activate WHITE BALANCE. This function have an important meaning in
diodes LED RGB and tapes, where despite of the fully controls, it’s not possible to receive
white colour. It is also useful in few controllers SPL-3 which has a different shade of white
For example when despite of the fully controls in RGB, apart the white colour there is
also red noticeable, the max lightness of red colour need to be decreased.
The maximum level for red colour is determine by signing in code 7xx, when xx = 0 to 99.
In the same way you can set the colors level for green, blue by entering 8xx and 9xx.