DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
3.2. ANALOGUE mode.
In the ANALOG mode, LED light control is using two analog 0-10 V inputs connected
between IN A and IN B, and the ground supply (screw terminal V-) driver, SPL-3 according
to the diagram in Figure 4.
Fig.4. Method of connection the analogue signals to SPL-3.
U1 = 0-10V - regulation of color light LED diodes
U1 = 10-15V - regulation of automatic speed color changes
U2 = 0-10V - regulation of LED diodes brightness
Light color sets the value of the analog signal voltage at the input IN A range of 0V to
10V. For 0V light is extinguish.
When the voltage value increased the colour which will appear are: red, orange, yellow,
green, light blue, blue, violet, pink, white and around 100 hues of middle colors.
It is possible to give the voltage higher than 10V. The result is activation of automatic and
fluent color changes (as it is in BUTTONS mode of work). Changes the voltage from 10V to
15V regulate the speed of color changes form the slowest till the fastest
(blinking effect).
Brightness level for every color change form 0 (completely extinguish the LED diodes)
till maximum for the changes in steering voltage in IN B entry from 0V to 5V. For voltage 5V
brightness of every color is the highest. When the voltage increase more than 5V the light
intensity also increase until it reaches the brightest white color during 10V, irrespective of
analogue signal.
The analogue signals can comes from different sources, eg. in the simplest case of the
divider resistance or potentiometer setting the brightness and color of light. You can also
connect to the inputs of SPL-3 drivers for issuing various types of analog signals 0-5V,
0-10V, 1-10V, 0-15V, for example, PLC or PC with built-in analog output card.
In the ANALOG mode should not be used for input SPL-3 control voltage higher than
16V, as they are reserved for HV CONTROL function (2.1 point).