DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
The function WHITE BALANCE can be also used for changing hue of light colors eg. in
RANDOM mode or to stronger or weaker lightning of defined color in freely mode of work
Code 650 turns off function WHITE BALANCE. This makes SPL-3 set for maximum
brightness for RGB colors for 799, 899, 999 codes.
Function WHITE BALANCE works in all SPL-3 modes of work.
Codes 660 and 669 determine the way of SPL-3 reaction for lack of DMX-512 signal in
all modes of work.
After one second of decay DMX-512 signal controller response in defined code entered.
The reemergence of DMX-512 signal at the inputs IN A and IN B causes an immediate return
to the control outputs CH1, CH2, CH3 data from the received signal DMX-512.
2.5. An example of typical configuration of the driver SPL-3
for working with DMX-512 signal:
001 - address DMX = 1
( address CH1/R = 1, address CH2/G = 2, address CH3/B = 3 )
555 – work in DMX RGB mode
621 - active DIMMER on 4 canal DMX
630 – lack of STROBO function
650 – lack of WHITE BALANCE correction
661 – display program active while lack of DMX-512 signal
565 – medium speed of display program (colour changes)
575 – medium brightness of display program
Make sure these 8 codes are enter for requested work of SPL-3 controller.
The sequences is optional.