DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
3.6. DMX MIX (COLOR 1 + RGB) mode.
Operating mode driver SPL-3
is a combination of modes
To control the light in DMX MIN mode, is used from 4 to 6 DMX channels, depending on
the configuration of the controller.
The first DMX channel (from the driver set the DMX address) works as a DMX COLOR
1 mode, which controls the color of the LED, after crossing the 20 and activates an automatic,
a smooth change of color after crossing the 160 in the channel.
Another 3 channels, ie 2, 3 and 4 work as DMX RGB mode, or independently control the
brightness of colors R, G, B. However, the work of channels 2, 3 and 4 is blocked if the value
in channel 1 exceeds the fifth.
Therefore a priority in the DMX MIX mode is to control LED color value in the channel
no.1. Channels 2, 3 and 4 are then inactive. Only after reducing the value in channel 1 to a
value between 0 and 5 control of LED lighting control take over channels 2, 3 and 4.
As in previous DMX modes can activate functions DIMMER and STROBE, which will
activate the channel number 5 and 6.
The number and sequence of assignments to channels DMX controller features SPL-3 in
DMX MIX mode is as follows:
4 – channel COLOR + channel R + channel G + channel B
5 – channel COLOR + channel R + channel G + channel B + channel DIMMER
5 – channel COLOR + channel R + channel G + channel B + channel STROBO
6 – channel COLOR + channel R + channel G + channel B + ch. ch. STROBO
Additional information about the SPL-3 controller operation in all modes of DMX.
After connecting the power supply controller starts SPL-3 signal reception and DMX-512
control outputs CH1, CH2 and CH3.
Green LED indicates the presence of DMX-512 signal blinking fast.
In the absence of DMX-512 signal green LED does not blink, just lit continuously.
Yellow LED is off during normal operation in DMX mode.
Input IN A of driver SPL-3 corresponds to the DMX+ signal.
Input IN B of driver SPL-3 corresponds to the DMX- signal.
The ground of the GND (shield wire) DMX-512 can be connected to the input terminal of free
SPL-3 (Fig. 6.) or to the power supply terminal V-, if there is a need to compensate for the
potential ground of the transmitter DMX-512 signal and controller SPL-3.
Fig.6. How to connect a DMX-512 signal to the SPL-3.