DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
3. Modes of SPL-3 works.
SPL-3 controller can work in one from 6 different available modes after one of the code is
sign in:
1 – Buttons
– code 551
2 – Analogue
– code 552
– code 553
– code 554
– code 555
– code 556
Below you will find description of modes and possibility of light controls.
3.1. BUTTONS mode.
In BUTTONS modes the LED light control take place by using two buttons connected
between IN A and IN B inputs, and the Voltage (V+) of SPL-3 controller is describe by draw
on Fig 3.
The main function of these buttons is to change the brightness and the colour of LED
diodes which are connected to the SPL-3 outputs. (BRIGHTNESS and COLOR).
The additional function of these 2 buttons is to turn on and turn off the lights, to start
automatic and fluently changes these colours and to regulate the speed of these changes.
Below you will find the way to control the LED lights using buttons BRIGHTNESS and
When turn on the SPL-3 controller LED diodes will light on with the colour and
brightness which were memorized last time in EEPROM memory.
One short press the button BRIGHTNESS or COLOR cause fluently extinction of all LED
diodes. It is possible to set the delay time of turning off the lights, while the short pressing the
COLOR button. If for various reasons the user want the LED diodes went out with delay after
pressing the trip the light (for example in order to safety remove themselves form the source
of the light) then enter the SPL-3 driver control code in the field of 601...610 (see table 1).
Then the COLOR button will not cause an immediate exclusion of light, just after deduction
of the SPL-3 driver selected time delay. Range of delay times of light extinction COLOR
button is from 5 sec to 60 min. The green diode LED signalize by short blinking counting the
delay time. If during this counting any button will be press on, counting the delay will stop.
When the code 600 will be sign in, it means that the time = 0 second is chosen and than
pressing the COLOR button will turn off the light with delay. Pressing the BRIGHTNESS
button always put out the light without delay no matter which codes from 600 …610 is sign
Again short pressing BRIGHTNESS or COLOR (when the LED diodes exinction) cause
turn on the LED diodes smoothly in the colour and brightness from before the turn off.
The codes 600 … 610 doesn’t concern turning on the LED diodes, it is always take place
without delay after a short press one of the buttons BRIGHTNESS and COLOR.