DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
Temporary or periodic lack of voltage in power supply will not causes the changes in colors
and brightness. That’s why pressing PLUS at least once after the color setting is
Please remember the function memorizing the color and brightness through the button
PLUS press works only during SPL-3 work in BUTTONS mode, and only where there is no
automatic color changes.
Selection of control buttons.
Both buttons BRIGHTNESS and COLOR works as switches. When the SPL-3 driver
works as a decoration lightning controller for example in the furniture, windows – display, it
is recommend to use miniature buttons of any types.
Table 2. List of functions SPL-3 controller - BRIGHTNESS and COLOR.
Activity of steering buttons
SPL-3 reaction
Short press of buttons
smoothly, fluently
turn on / turn off LED RGB diodes
Short press of button COLOR
when the code 601 ... 610 is active
delay in extinguish the light
- see description in point 3.1
Holding on button BRIGHTNESS
fluently lighten / darken LED RGB
Hold on the COLOR button
fluently changes in colours LED RGB
Short press two buttons BRIGHTNESS
and COLOR simultaneously
Step-by-step color changes LED RGB
on next with 7 basic colours
Hold on two BRIGHTNESS and
COLOR simultaneously
start the automatic colour changes
Short holding on the COLOR
while self-acting colour changes
change of speed colours
- 10 available speeds
Press the button PLUS in SPL-3
- configuration button
memorize in SPL-3 memory colour and
brightness (starter color and brightness after
turn on the SPL-3 controller)