DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
Holding down the button BRIGHTNESS causes the smooth change brightness LEDs -
brightening or dimming alternately in successive pushes of a button.
Lighten the color follow from 0 (completely extinguish of LED diodes) till the maximum
intensity of colour in 5 seconds of continuous holding on the BRIGHTNESS button. While
the further pressing the intensity of color also increases, all the diodes RGB lighten until they
reach the brightness white color.
Holding down the button COLOR causes the smooth change color LED light, until you
release the button - the selected color will shine constantly, until again no color change is
activated by holding down the COLOR.
Colors changes fluently form white, through yellow, orange, red, violet, blue, light blue,
green, yellow and again white. Or in inversely order depend on the next press the buttons,
which provide light turn back the color.
Apart the smooth changes in colour it is possible to set in the step-by-step changes one of
the basic colours. It is make by simultaneous pressing buttons COLOR and BRIGHTNESS.
(button no 3 can be press with the same result - see draw Fig. 3C).
After the simultaneous pressing both buttons – the colour of LED change from white to
yellow, red, violet, blue, light blue and green.
This option let comfortable and fast setting-in favourite or requested color, and than the
brightness or hue can be smoothly change while short holding- on the COLOR button and
then BRIGHTNESS button.
Force automatic color changing.
After a simultaneous hold on buttons BRIGHTNESS and COLOR for more than 1 second,
the SPL-3 driver starts automatic, smoothly colour changes. Colors will change in the same
way as during the continuous holding-on the COLOR button. Automatic colour change will
go on since another simultaneous hold on two buttons, which stop the color changes.
While the automatic colour changes the button BRIGHTNESS works the same as while
the static lightning LED diodes, so it means that it is possible to regulate the brightness – this
time brightness the color changes.
One short press the BRIGHTNESS cause smoothly, complete extinction the LED.
The action of COLOR button while the automatic colour changes is slightly different.
Another press COLOR button create the speed – color changes.
It is possible to set the speed form 1- 10, form the slowest till the fastest (fast flashing).
Memorizing the favourite colour in driver memory.
During continuous SPL-3 supplying there is no needs to make additional tasks to
remember favourite color. The color will be remembered as long as the button COLOR is
hold on for a longer moment while the new color will be set in.
Turning off and turning on the LED diodes by pressing the BRIGHTNESS button or pressing
the COLOR button will not change the color settings.
The color memorize looks different when it is use an additional power supply switch. To
memorize favourite color and brightness which should appear when the power supply is on,
the button PLUS need to be pressed on. It will memorize in EEPROM memory actual color
and brightness of diodes. Then the lights off and switching on the power switch driver will
not change just memorized the color and brightness.