DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
2.4. Description of configuration codes control the operation of SPL-3.
The main code which need to be set in into SLP-3 controller is the code which determine
mode of SPL-3 work. There are six different modes of SPL-3 work, so it means six different
codes from 551 to 556.
If one of the DMX mode of work was chosen (code 554, 555 or 556) also the address of
DMX SPL-3 controller have to be enter, so one code from 001 to 512. Chosen any code from
001 to 512 will change automatically previous code and remember new address DMX in
memory controller.
Setting in the code form 001 to 500 is also necessary while setting SPL-3 in the
RANDOM mode of work (code 553).
In RANDOM mode the meaning of codes form 001 to 499 is:
First digit of code (digit of hundreds 0-4) is for number of active colour pallet.
Second digit of code (digit of ten 0-9) is for the beginnings of colour on the colour’s
Third digit of code (digit of unity 0-9) is the last colour on the colour’s pallet.
To sum up – when the code from 001 to 499 in the RANDOM mode is set in, there is
chosen one from five available colour’s pallet. This pallet has a range of the active colours
which will be used by SPL-3 controller during the colour display and their changes.
Additionally – code 500 in the RANDOM mode let the fluently changes in colours. The
description of SPL-3 controller in the RANDOM mode the reader will find in 3.3 point.
The RANDOM mode is connected with codes 560 … 569 and 570 … 579.
Codes 560 … 569 determine speed of the colour changes, the codes 570 … 579 regulate the
brightness of LED diodes.
Code 560 activate the regulation of speed colour changes, using signal 0-10V fed to the
input IN A SPL-3 driver. For 0V analog signal IN A the speed colour changes is the smallest,
the colour changes goes in every 40 seconds. While the growth of voltage the speed colour
also increase, the colours changes more often until they blink really fast in 10V.
Code 570 enables adjustment of analog brightness LEDs, which is adjustable by means of
the analog signal 0 to 10V on input IN B driver.
For 0V at input IN B is the lowest brightness, the LEDs are completely extinguished. As the
voltage at the input IN B increase the brightness increases as well, until the maximum
brightness at a voltage of 10V.
Besides regulation of speed colour changes and the brightness changes there is possibility
of digital (discrete) regulation both of these parameters. For that function codes 561 … 569
and 571 … 579 are used.
When one code from 561 to 569 will be sign in – we will choose one from nine speed
colour changes. Depends on the code which was sign in – the colour changes come with
41sec, 20sec, 10sec, 5sec, 2.5sec, 1.25sec, 0.6sec, 0.3sec, 0.15sec. These times regarding the
step by step colour changes in RANDOM mode of work (codes 001 ... 499). When the
fluently colour changes will be chosen (code 500) – 9 speeds in colour changes can be
describe as: the slowest, barely notice the changes in colour for code 561, and the fastest,
blinking for code 569.