DAGON Lighting
SPL-3 –
RGB LED strip driver – DMX-512 and others
2.2. Methods of entering the codes to SPL-3 controller.
To enter the code to SPL-3 driver press the button CODE.
Green diode will switch off, the yellow diode will switch on.
Entering the first digit of code:
Press shortly PLUS button as many times as the first digit of codes is – 0 to 9.
Every pressing the PLUS button is signalized by a short blink of green diode.
After setting in the first digit of code press CODE button one more time.
Yellow diode blinks (light off for half a second and light on again) it is the signal to set
in the second digit of code.
Entering the second digit of code:
Press shortly PLUS button as many times as the second digit of codes is – 0 to 9.
Every pushing the PLUS button is signalized by a short blink of green diode.
After setting in the second digit of code press CODE button one more time.
Yellow diode will blink (light off for half a second and light on again) it is the signal to set
in the third digit of code.
Entering the third digit of code:
Press shortly PLUS button as many as the third digit of codes is – 0 to 9.
Every pushing the PLUS button is signalized by a short blink of green diode.
After setting in the third digit of code press CODE button one more time.
Yellow diode light off and the green diode will light on – the code is already accepted.
After entering the code SPL-3 goes to regular work - to control the diodes LED RGB in
the way described by actual configuration – via control codes.
If in order to enter another code, proceed similarly as described above.
The same code can be entered multiple times, as in no way affects the operation of the
Not all the codes (from available range 000-999) are used. When the code which has not
attributed any function is entered, no changes in work are noticed. This kind of code will be
signalized as wrong with triple flashes yellow diode just after all three figures.
All codes are remembered in EEPROM memory of controller SPL-3. No power to the
controller does not result in losing the settings made using the CODE and PLUS.
If at any time during setup (entering code) for 1 min button CODE or PLUS is not
pressed, the SPL-3 configuration automatically stops and starts normal operation.
Driver configuration described above allows to enter configuration codes without the
possibility of viewing them later, in order to check whether the function is active or not.
If you forget the function status re-enter the activation code.
However, if you read the DMX address of its value can be very useful, therefore,
introduced the ability to view the DMX address in the driver SPL-3, see 2.3 point.