background image






Once you know the power output, nine (9) milliwatts in the example above, consult the laminated 
Backup Time Chart, a partial example of which is included below.   The numbers in the top row of the 
chart (horizontal axis) represent a range of power output values.  Find the value that is closest to the 
power output of your device. 

The numbers in the column at the left (vertical axis) represent a range of treatment doses.  Find your 
dose then trace that row to the right until it intersects with the column corresponding to the current 
power output of your device.  The backup time is shown where the two lines intersect.  The times are 
rounded up to the nearest 10-second increment. On the partial time chart shown below, thirty (30) 
seconds is the backup time at a power output of 9.0 mw and a dose of 280 mJ. 


                                                     mw/ cm2                                             


Power output 




The UVA and Blue Light Backup Time Charts (not shown) are configured the same as the UVB 
Backup Time Chart.  The doses are listed in Joules and the energy output levels and times are 
different than the UVB output levels.  Each chart is clearly marked. 

Determining a 1 Series Backup Time when the device is positioned away from your body:   

Since the 1 Series can be used in two ways, there are two power output values of importance.  If you 
are placing your hands, elbows or forearm (for example) directly on the plastic lamp guard, the energy 
output there is higher.  When you take a power output reading, this is the value that is shown on the 
display. All of the above instructions apply.   

However, if you are treating other, larger areas of the body where it is impractical to have your skin in 
direct contact with the plastic guard, then place the device at a distance of eight (8) inches (20cm) 
from the area to be treated.  The power output there will be 1/3 the value at the plastic guard. 
Therefore, if the measured output is 9 milliwatts, you would divide the power output by three.  In the 
above example, the “at a distance” power output would be 3 and your backup time would be one 
minute and thirty seconds instead of thirty seconds.   

Setting up a Treatment  

(See additional instructions below for the 1 Series) 


You will first enter a back up time (steps 1 – 4).  Assume the back-up time to be 00:30  

1.  Press any key so that 00:00 is displayed. 

2. Press 

 until the first digit of the backup time is displayed (“3” in this case).   

3. Press 

 to move the “3” one space to the left. 

4.  Press ENTER to complete the backup procedure.   

i.  Now enter the actual dose.  Assume 280 milliJoules.  Therefore, the first digit is 

a “2”. ) 

5.  Press MODE to switch to dose mode. 

MJ/cm2 2.8 

3.0  3.6  4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 



240 01:50 01:20 01:30 01:20 

01:20 01:10 01:00 01:00 


280 02:00 01:30 01:40 01:30 

01:30 01:20 01:10 01:00 


320 02:20 01:50 01:50 01:40 

01:30 01:30 01:20 01:10 






Summary of Contents for 7 Series

Page 1: ...OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION HOME PHOTOTHERAPY MANU0027 Rev 12 1 17 11 7 Series 2 Series UV Series M Series 1 Series...

Page 2: Lamp Types Number of Lamps 13 M Series Unpacking Assembly Guide 13 Special Instructions for Combination Units 13 M Series Electrical Outlet Requirements 14 How to Position Yourself 14 M Series La...

Page 3: ...aintenance Schedule 23 Cleaning 23 Lamp Replacement 23 Calibration 24 Refilling a Light Prescription 24 Warranty 25 How Daavlin Handles Warranty and Service 26 Responsibilities of the Buyer 26 Contact...


Page 5: ...xample shown below Please read the label carefully as it contains important safety information for you In addition to the warning label an identification label indicates the serial number and date of...

Page 6: ...ormation on the UV 7 2 M and 1 Series devices The next section beginning on page sixteen 16 Flex Operating Instructions provides operating instructions for all devices Finally the last section Care of...

Page 7: ...any area where water or moisture might collect and should be protected from access by children Exposure to ultraviolet light over extended periods of time may cause carpets wall coverings and furnish...

Page 8: ...not resume the treatment until the redness has subsided If redness and discomfort are severe you should discuss this with your physician Increases of less than 15 seconds may be necessary for some pat...

Page 9: ...eleased Next remove the front cardboard cover Use a heavy duty screwdriver to remove the staples Again be careful as the staples are sharp and can cause injury When the front cardboard cover has been...

Page 10: any one panel than to another Standing closer to one of the sides may cause localized streaking or burning UV Series Lamp Removal and Replacement 1 Consult the Lamp Replacement Guide for replacemen...

Page 11: ...mbly of your device choose a place close to where the unit will be installed to unpack it however if there are stairs or narrow hallways it may be easier to move the device after it has been assembled...

Page 12: ...the device still lying on its side stand the device upright With one person lifting at the top and a second person at the foot to catch the unit gently lift and tip the device forward until both feet...

Page 13: ...vlin service to determine an appropriate replacement How to Position Yourself The recommended distance from the lamps for treatment is 9 inches 22cm Mark that distance on the floor in some manner A si...

Page 14: ...0 hertz units are shipped with a grounded three conductor wall plug Units designed for other voltages may be shipped with no wall plug which would then have to be locally obtained and installed Hood L...

Page 15: ...six 6 for replacement lamp specifications 2 Unplug the machine and disconnect the power cord for the hood before removing the hood 3 Remove the hood from the base The hood lamps are then easily acces...

Page 16: ...ld be as close as possible to the center of the fixture for best results Larger Area Treatment Stand the device so that the lamps are perpendicular to the surface on which the device is standing Posit...

Page 17: available with two types of control system Flex Dosimetry and Flex Timer Verify the type of control system you have and proceed to the applicable operating instructions Note If your serial number...

Page 18: ...ed at the factory are shown on the Power Output Certificate included in your manual Note It is not necessary to take a power output reading before each treatment We suggest once every couple of weeks...

Page 19: ...g your hands elbows or forearm for example directly on the plastic lamp guard the energy output there is higher When you take a power output reading this is the value that is shown on the display All...

Page 20: ...dose on the display alternating with the elapsed time If the complete dose is not delivered meaning that the backup time was reached before the dose was fully delivered this is an indication that the...

Page 21: ...ian s protocol Another method is to use the factory power output levels shown on the Power Output Certificate to determine estimated time equivalents needed to deliver doses in milliJoules UVB or Joul...

Page 22: ...are different than the UVB output levels Each chart is clearly marked UVA Blue Light Red Light or UVB Entering a treatment time 1 Press until the first digit of the desired time is displayed If the t...

Page 23: ...using the same treatment time Press and release both keys at the same time Enter Special Notes The maximum time that can be entered is 59 minutes and 59 seconds It is not possible to enter 60 seconds...

Page 24: ...lamp areas 7 2 and UV Series the lamp area can be cleaned by carefully vacuuming with the grid installed Occasionally it may be desirable to remove the lamps and grid or plastic lamp guard on M and 1...

Page 25: ...ure limiting software are shipped from the factory with a forty exposure prescription Each time the lamps are turned on the number of available exposures is reduced by one When the machine is in sleep...

Page 26: ...or altered outside the factory in any way so as to affect the design or which has been subject to misuse negligence or accident or operated in any way other than in accordance with our operating inst...

Page 27: ...avlin technicians or subcontractors which falls outside the warranty will be billed at the prevailing service rate at the time of service Responsibilities of the Buyer In the event of a malfunction th...
