GLV-540 User Manual
very large. The time received from NTP server is rejected for security
reasons. To work around this problem, manually set the time closer to the
actual date & time and then use NTP to keep it synchronized thereafter.
The LED’s on the phone are flashing, what does this indicate?
LED’s can glow in the following two scenarios:
Boot up: The Line LED’s will blink in a sequential pattern at power up
to indicate phone is booting up and not yet ready to show phone’s
Software Upgrade: The phone LED’s are also used to indicate
software upgrade is in progress. In case of software upgrade all the
Line LED’s will blink together i.e. while blinking all LINE LED’s go ON
and OFF simultaneously unlike the sequential pattern observed at
power up.
How do I configure the Features using the Key Pad?
For enabling the User Feature configurations using key pad, you should
enable the “Access Keys Dialing” feature from the “Device” Page, when the
value is disabled, these dialing sequences shall be going as normal call.
For more information about Configuring Features using keypad, refer to
5.1.24 section of User manual.
Call Park soft key is not seen in connect screen, why?
Call Park feature has an enable/disable option which can be configured from
GUI, for enabling Park soft key, modify GUI’s “User Configurations-
>Features->Advanced Features” page “
Call Parking” Feature.
If the feature is
disabled, the call park soft key will be hidden in connect screen.
Call Park or Call Retrieve or Call Pickup features are failing, why?
Current Implementation of Call Park / Pickup / Retrieve are specific to the
Service Provider DVX. First, of all you have to configure these access key
sequences with the server supported features codes. To change these
Features” page’s “
Park Code” , “Retrieve Code”, “Pickup Code” Fields.
As Phone uses access key sequences from *10 to *30, for configuring
features, here * is the access key, make sure that your server access keys
sequences are not matching with these access sequences. Still if you want
to use the same access sequences, you can disable the “Access Keys
Dialing” from Device page.
On Interface mode as Speaker mode, Out of band DTMF is not working,
How to make it work?
To get Out of Band Dtmf affect on Speaker Mode, Configure “Debug Level”
as other than “Debug”.
Auto Provisioning with DVX Server is failing, why?
First of all make sure that zip of Config Backup is uploaded to the DVX
Server and add one Endpoint on the DVX Server. Also make sure that DVX
Server’s GLV-540’s product code is added in the DVX Server.