GLV-540 User Manual
Table 25: Device Monitor: Debug Messages
Device Monitor: Debug Messages
Shows the debug messages. A large text box is provided for
displaying the online debug messages at GUI. To use the
scroll bar to view the previous messages, click “Pause”
button which stops receiving on-line messages from that
time and use up arrow and down arrow to view the debug
messages. To continue receiving on-line debug messages,
click “Resume” button.
Pause: Click on this button to stop receiving the online
messages and view all the previous messages.
Resume: Click this button to continue receiving the online
messages. Once it is clicked, you cannot view all the
previous messages, until you click on “Pause” button.
Save to PC: Click on this button to save all the debug
messages on to your PC. It is saved as “glv_debug.log”
Clear All: Click on this to clear all the debug messages from
the GUI. Once this is selected all the previous messages will
be lost from the device memory. For Settings about the
debug messages configurations, refer to “Device
Management / Debug Setup” page.