GLV-540 User Manual
Phone Book
from PC
File Name: the file name with full path of the phone book to
be restored and this should be in .csv format.
Value Range
: File Name with Path, max 125
Default Value
: None
Browse: Used for selecting the path and phone book file
name on the PC.
This will open a window to select the file, this file should be
.csv extension and
clicking on the Open button will copy the path to the” File
Name” text box.
Restore: Click on this button to initiate the restoring of the
phone book file from PC.
After restoring in progress you will get an alert with message
“Last Operation Completed Successfully ” or "Last Operation
Failed". While restore is in progress, you are advised not to
perform any operation on the phone.
Phone Book: Add New Entry
This field specifies the display name of the phone book
Value Range
: Accepts alphanumeric characters, hyphen,
underscore, @,*,# (max 30 chars).
Default Value: None
This field specifies the phone number of the phone book
Value Range:
Accepts the following values with maximum
of 90 chars:
phone number
ip url without port number (UID@ip)
sip url with port number (UID@ip:port)
ip without port number (ip)
ip with port number (ip:port)
Default Value
Ring Type
This field is the drop down list of available ring types. A call
coming from this number will use this ring for alerting.
For downloading Custom Ring refer to “Device Management
/ Configuration” page.
Value Range
: <Ring1> <Ring2> <Ring3> <Custom Ring>
Default Value
: <Ring1>