Document
Conventions
D-Link
Unified
Access
Point
Administrator’s
Guide
November
Page
Unified
Access
Point
Administrator’s
Guide
Document
Conventions
This
section
describes
the
conventions
this
document
uses.
The
following
table
describes
the
typographical
conventions
used
in
this
guide.
Note:
note
provides
more
information
about
a
feature
or
technology
and
cross
‐
references
to
related
topics.
Caution!
caution
provides
information
about
critical
aspects
of
configuration,
combinations
of
settings,
events,
or
procedures
that
can
adversely
affect
network
connectivity,
security,
and
so
on.
Table
1:
Typographical
Conventions
Symbol
Example
Description
Bold
Click
Apply
to
save
your
settings.
Menu
titles,
page
names,
and
button
names
Blue
Text
See
“Document
Conventions”
on
page
.
Hyperlinked
text.
courier
font
‐
show
network
Screen
text,
file
names,
commands,
user
‐
typed
command
‐
line
entries
courier
font
italics
value
Command
parameter,
which
might
be
a
variable
or
fixed
value.
[
]
Square
brackets
[value]
Indicates
an
optional
fixed
parameter.
{}
curly
braces
{choice1
|
choice2}
Indicates
that
you
must
select
a
parameter
from
the
list
of
choices.
|
Vertical
bars
choice1
|
choice2
Separates
the
mutually
exclusive
choices.
[{}]
Braces
within
square
brackets
[{choice1
|
choice2}]
Indicate
a
choice
within
an
optional
element.