Creating
a
DiffServ
Class
Map
D-Link
Unified
Access
Point
Administrator’s
Guide
November
Page
Unified
Access
Point
Administrator’s
Guide
Figure
42:
Client
DiffServ
Class
Map
Table
54:
DiffServ
Class
Map
Field
Description
Class
Map
Configuration
Class
Map
Name
Enter
a
Class
Map
Name
to
add.
The
name
can
range
from
to
alphanumeric
characters.
Match
Layer
Protocol
Specify
whether
to
classify
IPv4
or
IPv6
packets.
Match
Criteria
Configuration
Class
Map
Name
Select
name
of
the
class
to
configure.
Use
the
fields
in
the
Match
Criteria
Configuration
area
to
match
packets
to
a
class.
Select
the
check
box
for
each
field
to
be
used
as
a
criterion
for
a
class
and
enter
data
in
the
related
field.
You
can
have
multiple
match
criteria
in
a
class.
Note:
The
match
criteria
fields
that
are
available
depend
on
whether
the
class
map
is
an
IPv4
or
IPv6
class
map.