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If you need to lift the driving wheel of the mini-spreader, observe
the following rules:
The spreader attached to the drawing vehicle is to be set in the
direction for driving straight ahead on a flat, paved ground and
then drawing vehicle should be braked.
Under the wheels, which will not be lifted, plant securing chocks.
Place a lift under the axle close to its joint with the cargo box and
raise the axle so that the wheel does not touch the ground.
Secure the spreader before falling placing a stand of appropriate
height under the axle.
In the case of noting any irregularities in the operation or
damage to systems or assemblies of the spreader, the machine
must be taken out of use until repair and removal of defects.
It is forbidden to carry out service and repair work under a
burdened loading crate and with the drawing machine's
engine running.
All maintenance and repair tasks should be performed with the
general principles of health and safety. In the case of injury,
the wound should immediately be washed and disinfected. In
the case of serious injuries, consult a physician.
Before starting work of the mini-spreader with engaged drives,
the interior wall must be raised and the rear adapter guard
removed and fastened on brackets on the front wall, and
secured against falling out by inserting safety pins
Adapter maintenance
Adapter maintenance involved checking whether there have been any
losses on blades and the condition of their fastening to the drum. Lubrication
of all 4 lubricating nipples on the adapter's drums must be performed. They