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Spectra II
Operating Manual
6.9 Password
With a password different functions can be blocked for the operator.
There are different applications with which such a password protection
can be used reasonably. To receive a most flexible password
protection, the printer functions will be divided into several function
Because of these different function groups the password protection is
very flexible. The printer can be adjusted best to its actual order, as
only certain functions are blocked.
6.9.1 Operation
Entering a 4-digit numeric password.
Printer settings can be changed (contrast, speed, operating mode, ...).
The password protection prevents modifications at the printer settings.
With the functions of the memory card, labels can be stored, loaded,
etc. The password protection has to decide if no access or only
readable acces on CF card is allowed.
No protection:
No password protection
Userview only:
Only reading access
Access blocked
In case the printer is connected to a PC, it can be useful, that the user
is not able to produce a print manually. So the password protection
prevents that prints can be produced manually.
In order to execute a blocked function, first of all the valid password
has to be entered. If the correct password is entered then the desired
function can be executed.
memory card