Cat. No. 01021713
Multiple Unit ROs
The GBE RO controller supports two multi-unit modes: Two Pass and Alternating.
When in two-pass or alternating mode, the system is configured to support two GBE RO controllers that are connected
trolling the operations of the other unit, also known as the slave. The slave unit performs as a sensing device.
Two-Pass RO
When in Two-Pass RO mode, the primary unit, identified as the master, issues commands to control the secondary unit,
identified as the slave.
Figure 31.
Two-pass RO process.
Two-Pass RO Start Up Sequence
When configured for two-pass RO, the master unit runs a start up sequence described as follows:
• The SV1 on the GBE master opens
• The system waits for the amount of time set on the master as “SV1 Delay”
• If the pressure-switch-1 shows that pressure is present, then the GBE master turns on the pump for the first unit.
• The system waits for the amount of seconds set on the master as the “PASS 2 DELAY”.
• If the pressure-switch-2 shows that pressure is present at pressure-switch-2 then the master sends an operation
command to the slave unit that turns on the second pass pump.
The master will turn off the slave’s motor output any time it detects that one of the inlet pressure switches is off for more
than the specified “PS SW DELAY”. After the slave unit pump turns off, the master will wait three (3) seconds and then
turn off the master pump. The units follow the same procedure if operating conditions trigger the PTLO or the Tank Full
G1 Series Two-Pass Pairings
NOTE The RO G1 Series Two-Pass requires that the unit have the firmware version FWR202LT04 with a born-
on-date no earlier than FEB 01 2013.
For hardware, plumbing, and wiring, order the following:
Required Kit Part Numbers
Two-Pass Offerings
Feed TDS>500
Feed TDS<500
G1 2L(master), 2S(slave)
G1 3L(master), 3S(slave)
G1 4L(master), 4S(slave)
G1 2F(master), 3L(slave)