First Time Setup
Cat. No. 01021713
Switch Inputs
Several switch types may be installed in an RO system, including
• Low Pressure Switch
• Pretreatment Lockout Switch
• Float (Level Control) Switch
“GBE RO Controller Wiring” on page 102
for a diagram of all three switches.
Low Pressure Switch
The GBE RO Controller is equipped with a low pressure switch to protect the pump from starvation/cavitation. If the inlet
pressure switch goes LOW and stays there for at least XX seconds (set at setup/accessories/switch inputs), the pump will
turn off. For a positive displacement pump, XX should be specified at 1–5 seconds. The controller keeps track of how many
times this happens: if fewer than five times since the most recent of either midnight or the last time the operator manually se-
lected GO TO RUNNING from the main menu, then the system will attempt to restart. If this is the fifth time it has happened,
then the system goes to OFFLINE and throws the LOW INLET PRESSURE error condition.
NOTE This five-time counter on the number of restarts allowed resets to zero every night at midnight and
every time that the operator selects YES from the Main Menu/Go to Running screen.
The pressure switch is prewired at the factory to the GBE RO controller AUX board POSITION (J1) pins utilizing pins 2
and 4. The switch is factory set to 18 psi. The pressure can be adjusted from 6 psi to 30 psi by turning the knurled ring on
the body of switch clockwise to increase the pressure and counter-clockwise to decrease. One revolution is approximately
6.5 psi.
Pretreatment Lockout
The GBE RO controller allows an external contact closure to cause the RO to go into a “pre-treat lockout” condition. If the
GBE RO controller state was in any state other than OFFLINE, the state will change to STANDBY as soon as the pretreat
lockout is engaged. When pretreat lockout is disengaged, the system will either move to STARTING or stay in STANDBY
based upon the status of the float switches and the settings specified at main menu/ setup/ accessories/ switch inputs.
The pretreat lockout can be engaged by either a normally open or normally closed input signal to the pretreat lockout
terminals from the main menu/setup/accessories/switched inputs menus. The factory default is that CLOSED will specify
pretreat lockout.
Note that the pre-treat lockout input switch must move to, and stay in its new position for a continuous period of at least
two (2) seconds for the pretreat lockout to be triggered
Timeclock controlled softeners, such as the Hi-Flo
3, do not offer pretreatment lockout. If these units are used for pre-
treatment, they should be duplexed, or regenerated by a timeclock so that regeneration can occur when the unit is not in