INSTRUCTION MANUAL Digital Light Engraver
Machine description
Effective date
The vertically traversing head unit (01) is located under the protective
cover of the bridge.
The head unit includes two light units (05) which produce light in the ul-
traviolet wavelength range.
This light units (05) are cooled by a closed loop cooling system (02) that
is also located in the head unit.
The light beams that are generated by the two light units (05) are com-
bined in a prism unit (04) and then transmitted to the Digital Micromirror
Device (03).
The micromirrors located in the Digital Micromirror Device (03) are elec-
tronically controlled to produce the image on the screen frame screen.
Königsberger Straße 117
47809 Krefeld - Germany
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Betriebsanleitung DLE-AF 01.0 engl.docx