INSTRUCTION MANUAL Digital Light Engraver
Machine description
Effective date
Machine housing
Linear guide elements (01), which are mounted on both the upper and
lower edges of the machine housing, run across the complete width of
the machine housing.
The vertically-mounted bridge (02) - where the head unit is located under
a protective cover - moves along the two linear guiding elements (01).
The screen frame (04), which is to be imaged, is held in place by two hor-
izontally placed U-channels (03).
The upper U-channel (05) can be vertically adjusted to accommodate dif-
ferent sizes of screen frames (04).
The screen frames (04) can be secured in both of the U-channels (03) by
means of pneumatically operated clamps.
Königsberger Straße 117
47809 Krefeld - Germany
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Betriebsanleitung DLE-AF 01.0 engl.docx