Crystal Vision
Indigo 2 CoolFlow User Manual R1.3
Status LEDs
These LEDs are useful for trouble shooting the network link. The link LED will be
illuminated whenever the frame is connected to a network. Should this LED not be lit
check the cable connection between the frame and network outlet. The data LED flashing
will indicate that communications between the frame and the network exists.
This LED will flash to indicate activity.
Normally lit
This LED will be lit whenever the frame is connected to an Ethernet network.
Lower/Upper slot range
This switch is used when configuring a frame pair where the two frames must have their
individual slot addresses. The position of the two-position slide switch labelled
Lower/Upper on the top edge of the front panel PCB must be placed in the lower position
for one frame and in the upper position for the other. Which frame of a pair selected to be
upper and lower is not important.
Refer to the address range table in the section entitled 'Selecting different modules' in
chapter two for the module addresses assigned when frames are operated as a pair.
The two frames should be connected so that control can pass from one frame to the other
using an RS422 serial link.
Config Switches
Piano switch
Switch 1 & 2 controls the cooling fan modes. Switch one control which of the two
cooling regime is to be implemented. Quiet mode uses a set of slightly higher temperature
bands and will allow the frame to heat further before increasing the fan speed. This setting
is idea for when the frame is situated in a noise sensitive area and is lightly loaded. Switch
2 controls whether the fans are in auto mode or maximum speed.
Normally up (best cooling), Down quieter running.
Normally up (auto), Down front panel fans full speed.
Normally up, no user function.
Default IP address
Normally up. Down sets IP address to default
Auto mode is dependent on PSU and PSU fans not being in an alarm state.
If one of the fans should fail, the closed frame can still operate indefinitely with an
ambient temperature of up to 40°C.
Although only one of the fans is essential in normal operation a faulty fan should be
replaced as soon as practical to prevent the long-term stressing of the modules.
Although it is possible to operate the frame with the front panel open, the frame may not
meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements in this condition.