Crystal Vision
Trouble shooting
Indigo 2 CoolFlow User Manual R1.3
The Comms LED flashes slowly at medium intensity if communication has been
established. It will flash at higher intensity when the communication channel is active.
Statesman users will be able to remotely monitor frame temperature and fan speed.
Power supply related faults operate a relay, the contacts of which are brought out to the
Remote 2 and Remote 4 connectors. These contacts can be used to operate external
indicators as desired.
Please refer to the Connector pinout section for more details.
PSU relays
Each PSU contains a relay, the contacts of which are brought out to the remote connectors.
This relay is under frame control and will change state whenever a frame fault is present.
If the frame is fitted with two PSUs the frame will control both relays simultaneously.
These contacts can be used to operate external indicators as desired.
In certain circumstances there may be a delay of several seconds between the first relay
and any other relay's state changing.
The red LED built into the front of the PSU will flash repeatedly (on for one second and
off for one second). The same red LED will light up continuously if levels of the power
rails (+5.75V or -6.0V) are outside operational limits. Refer to section 4 for further