Isys i/O
WiFi Touchpanel
VT Pro-e Objects and Signal Type Descriptions (continued)
VT Pro-e
Analog Feedback
Join (Analog
Sends time values for display on the Timer object.
The displayed values depend on the format selected in VT
Pro-e: HH:MM:SS or MM:SS. Thus, the program should send
values based on what the display can show.
For example, unsigned values for the HH:MM:SS format can
range from 0s to 65535s (18:12:15).
Signed values for the HH:MM:SS format can range from -
32767s (-09:06:07) to +32767s (+09:06:07).
Unsigned values for the MM:SS format can range from 0s to
5999s (99:59).
Signed values for the MM:SS format can range from -5999s
(-99:59) to +5999s (+99:59).
Analog State Join
and Mode
(Analog input)
Selects the mode (appearance) of the object—refer to
description for Border
Analog Feedback
Join (Analog
Sets the time offset. Each decimal value will alter the time
being displayed by one minute.
The analog value is a signed number; if no offset is selected
in VT Pro-e, 0d will show the current control system time. A
value of 60d will show one hour ahead. A value of 65476d
(-60d) will show one hour behind.
If a clock offset is also selected within VT Pro-e, the object will
use both values to determine the offset. That is, if the offset is
set to one hour forward in VT Pro-e and the Analog Feedback
Join value is 120d, then the clock object will display three
hours ahead
Analog Feedback
Join (Analog
Selects the frame to be displayed on the Animation object.
The range of valid values equals the number of frames in the
animation, starting at 0d.
(Animation can be controlled by Numeric Keypad and
Oscillator symbols. Refer to the Crestron module,
Open/Close Join
(Digital output)
Indicates that the embedded application is open. The signal
remains high for as long as the application is open.
The signal will go low if the application is closed or minimized.
High/1 = Application is open;
Low/0 = Application is closed/minimized
Open File
Window Join
(Digital output)
Indicates that the "Open File" window is being displayed (on
the rising edge of the corresponding digital input). The Open
File window allows the end user to locate a file manually.
The signal remains high for as long as the window is open.
The Open File window closes when the end user presses or
clicks the Open (or Cancel) button.
High/1 = Open File window open;
Low/0 = Open File window closed
(continued on next page)
Isys i/O
WiFi Touchpanel: TPMC-10
Operations Guide - DOC. 6284B