Issue 1 14/5/2020
Bread flour
Bread flour has a high gluten and protein content and has
good elasticity when kneaded with water. As the dough
ferments, carbon dioxide is produced and becomes trapped in
the dough causing it to rise. During baking the gluten sets
around the bubbles giving the bread a light and open texture.
Wholemeal flour – 100% of the grain (flour, bran and wheat
germ) is ground. As a consequence the flour contains more
fibre, iron and b vitamins. Bread made from wholemeal flour
is heavier and is usually smaller in size.
Brown flour – is white flour that has a percentage of bran
Yeast is a living organism that when mixed with water and
sugar starts to ferment and give off the carbon dioxide that
causes dough to rise. If too little yeast is added the bread will
not rise sufficiently, too much added and the bread will have a
strong yeast flavour. Store fresh yeast in a refrigerator.
Yeast is killed by coming into contact with salt, too much
sugar and at hot temperatures.
Salt is necessary to improve the flavour of bread and the
colour of the crust. Salt kills yeast and using less salt will
usually result in a lighter loaf. If experimenting and adding
savoury or salty ingredients to the bread, it may be necessary
to reduce the salt added to achieve a satisfactory loaf.