Plato Complete Guide V1.3.0
Convert Technologies
Importing from a USB memory stick or drive.
Plug your USB memory stick or USB disk drive into Plato’s front USB socket, and select USB
on the IMPORT MEDIA tab.
This shows a simplified view to import all media files from the attached device. The buttons
will remain inactive (greyed out) until a suitable USB device has been added to USB port on
the front of Plato.
Operation is very simple. Import all music, video, or image media files from the attached USB
device into Plato using the appropriate button.
A progress screen indicates how much data needs to be imported. Note that if Plato
discovers tracks on the USB device which are already in its database, it will prompt the user
to decide whether to overwrite existing tracks, or ignore and move onto the next track.
Note that the import process may take a considerable amount of time as Plato will scan the
whole USB device for matching (audio or video) data.
Once the import is complete, press the Eject button before removing the USB device. This
will display the Android Storage Settings configuration page. Scroll to the bottom of this page
and select Unmount SD card for the TOP USB device
Once the unmount process is complete it is safe to remove the USB device.