Plato Complete Guide V1.3.0
Convert Technologies
The Plato Class A amplifier uses a new patent pending adaptive bias technology to reduce power
consumption. The real magic is that it doesn’t generate as much heat as traditional Class A
amplifiers. We calculate the required power output of the amplifier as the music is playing and
then adjust the Class A bias current applied to the output transistors.
When a digital file/stream is played the Plato looks ahead in the data and adjusts the bias, so
before the transient hits the output transistors the bias has been raised enough to ensure the
output transistors stay on. Thus Plato Class A uses a feed-forward biasing technique not feedback.
Adaptive biasing has two additional benefits, first the current induced noise in the amplifier as a
whole is now proportional to the output volume, and secondly there is less thermal stress on the
output transistors because they operate at lower temperatures. These factors result in lower noise
than a traditional Class A amplifier at a given volume and less distortion.
Class A region of operation.
8 Ohms load, 0-25Watts, 8 Watts maximum long term average.
4 Ohm load, 0-11.5Watts, 4 Watts maximum long term average.
Notes: When output power is above the class-A region the amplifier operates in Class-B, once
output power reduces back into the class-A region then the amplifier resumes class-A operation. If
the long term average power output is too high and internal temperatures exceed the normal
operating range, then the amplifier will operate in Class-B until normal operating temperature is
reached. Operating mode changes are automatic and do not require user intervention.