Rev. d 01/1 9
Once the
is stated, it is necessary to set the
E, i.e. the control
criteria used by the OPERATING MODE. The control type can be:
- Proportional or Propor Integral (P or P+I)
- With fixed operation set point or compensated in function of Compensation Sensor.
- With or without minimum and/or maximum limit in function of Limit Sensor.
Given a SET POINT (required value), the difference between this value and the VALUE detected
by the Control Sensor is called ERROR.
A proportional control is obtained when the value of a controller output moves proportionally to the
ERROR. The PROPORTIONAL BAND determines the quantity of the action (gain) in function of
ERROR. When the ERROR is equal to the PROPORTIONAL BAND the output value is equal to
100 %.
Setting a too small PROPORTIONAL BAND can generate oscillation phenomena of the output.
Setting an excessively wide PROPORTIONAL BAND can generate a change from the SET of the
controlled temperature.
If an
action is added to
action, the result is a more accurate control, which takes into account
the error variation in time. It is necessary to define an INTEGRATION TIME, which states the time,
after which the Proportional action is restored. Generally, INTEGRAL action is necessary when the
PROPORTIONAL BAND allows a variation, conferring to the INTEGRAL action the task to cancel
the remaining error.
The two 0-10 Vdc analogue outputs can be P or P+I, therefore, the parameters to be set for each
output will be:
- SET POINT (with fixed-point control)
- INTEGRATION TIME (if I action is enabled)
For analogue output 2 in A3 operation mode (enthalpy control with s/w changeover set), control
can be proportional only, and not P+I.
The 2 relay outputs can be only P, the parameters to be set will be:
- SET POINT (with fixed-point control)
For the analogue output 1 and the relay output 1 it is used the temperature sensor connected to
terminal if not otherwise specified (“sharing sensors” see paragraph concerning LinkBus).
If the temperature sensor is not connected correctly to
terminal or is not shared correctly with
other devices Led
is lighted.
For the analogue output 2 and the relay output 2 it is used the humidity sensor connected to
terminal if not otherwise specified (“sharing sensors” see paragraph concerning LinkBus)
If the humidity sensor is not correctly connected to
terminal or is not shared correctly with other
devices, LED
is lighted.
If necessary it is possible to connect the
terminal to another sensor (air quality, temperature or
another 0-10Vdc signal transmitter) the signal value shall anyway be expressed as a percentage
with respect to the range end.
In the operating MODE D4 the relay output behaves as a timed sequencer and it controls
depending on time events and not on temperature/humidity values.
See page 21 to set the Operating Modes and control types.