Rev. d 01/1 14
Once the parameters for a plant are set, it is possible to store such customization in order to
restore them when required.
This function allows restoring all the configurations and parameters, which were previously saved
by the, MEMORY DATA STORAGE function.
When a control with Fixed-point set is required, the Compensation Sensor is not used.
In this case, it is possible to connect a suitable potentiometer (instead of the
local input) to carry out a remote setting of the Operation Set-point.
Enable Compensation and define the four points of the line:
Keep into consideration that TEMPERATURE 1 corresponds to the value read at one
potentiometer end and TEMPERATURE 2 to the value read at the other end.
SET 1 corresponding to TEMP 1
SET 2 corresponding to TEMP 2
The value displayed by the Compensation Sensor is purely indicative and does not correspond to
the actual temperature in °C.
The LinkBus serial communication port allows to 2, 3 or 4 equipments to interoperate for data
exchange. The LinkBus connection allows sharing the three sensors and Operating Mode and
supervising the devices, which do not have the RS485 serial communication port.
The equipment connected via LinkBus must have a univocal address (IDL) that can be set by the
menus from 1 to 4. The equipment with
i d L
= 1 (Master) communicates its Operating Mode to
the other controllers connected via LinkBus. If the Master is RTC-provided (RTC is not necessary
for the others), the 4 controllers can operate according to the same time schedule. The equipment
without the RS485 serial communication port (W500T or W500H) can be supervised if connected
via LinkBus to at least one equipment with RS485 (W500TMB or W500HMB), setting it as Master
i d L
= 1).
Each IDL address corresponds to a LinkBus “channel” on which the controller communicates the
values of its own temperature sensors connected to the terminals. Each device communicates its
values on the LinkBus channel determined by the assigned IDL address number. If it is required a
sensor connected to the terminals of another controller, it is necessary to operate on parameters
menu of Sensor Selection (SEL) and to select the channel for reading. For example, a controller
i d L
address = 2, which uses the Compensation Sensor connected to
terminals of the
equipment having
i d L
address = 3, the value
S S c
in the sensor selection parameter menu
(SEL) must be = 3. If the sensor to be used is connected to the controller terminals, the setting will
S S c
= 2. For each one of three sensors it is necessary to specify its location, if the sensor is
local, it is necessary to state the proper IDL address.
It is necessary to set the (NDL) Link number to transmit their values through the LinkBus channel;
NDL is the number of the equipment connected through the same LinkBus (max 4). The equipment
connected to LinkBus, which must not transmit their data, can be set with
n d L
= 1, this
configuration is allowed (to speed up the transmission of data on LinkBus), but it is not advisable
when supervision data via ModBus is requested. The equipment connected to LinkBus which do
not transmit their data can anyway receive data from other equipment connected via LinkBus.