Turning the Scanner ON/OFF
Turning Power ON/OFF
Main power switch
The main power switch is at the back of the scanner on the right. Press the
upper half of the switch (marked “I”) to turn the main power to ON. Press
the lower half of the switch (marked “0”) to turn the main power to OFF.
Main power switch is at the back of the scanner. Press “I” for ON and “0” for OFF.
The scanner’s Self Test Procedure
When you turn the main power ON, the scanner runs a
short self-test procedure. This takes less than one
minute. The 3 LEDS on the panel will be on during the
self-test procedure.
All LEDs are ON during self-test
Scanner ready to scan
The scanner is ready for scanning when the power
LED runs green. The scanner starts up in Wake mode
(see next section).
You can leave the main power switch permanently ON
and control scanner power through its
Panel when Scanner is Ready
– in Wake mode