1–10 DIGITAL PowerStorm 1000 Graphics Subsystem Owner's Guide
1.3.5 Image Rendering Module (IRM)
The Image Rendering Module contains one SSLD and two SAM ASICs that provide
rasterization for anti-aliased points, lines, and polygons; depth cueing; multilevel surface
transparency; stenciling; texture mapping; hidden surface removal; Z ordering of pixels;
and window clip testing for occluded windows. The Image Rendering Modules are
supported in pairs. The entry PowerStorm 1000 graphics subsystem contains two Image
Rendering Modules, while the full and high resolution PowerStorm 1000 graphics
subsystems contain four Image Rendering Modules.
Each Image Rendering Module contains four sockets for the Texture Memory Modules
(TMMs). Each Image Rendering Module is shipped with two 16 MB Texture Memory
Modules installed for an initial 32 MB of texture memory. Texture Memory Modules must
be installed in pairs on each Image Rendering Module and each Image Rendering Module
in the graphics subsystem must have the same amount of texture memory installed. An
optional additional 32 MB of texture memory is available for the PowerStorm 1000
graphics subsystem. See Section 2.6.1 for the procedures for installing the optional Texture
Memory Modules.
Figure 1-6 shows the Image Rendering Module.
Figure 1-6 Image Rendering Module
Texture Memory Modules
Keyed notch
Texture memory sockets